Our brain is a highly complex organ, also one vital and important organ in our body. Essentially it's not just in thinking but it plays in all body functions. Our brain contains about 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections. It is the commander of our body like think, feel, and do. Moreover, have you ever heard people say that they are more of a right-brain and left-brain thinker? The phrase left and right brain refers to anatomical halves or hemispheres of our brain. From books to internet articles (especially this one), you have probably heard this phrase. The left hemisphere generally focuses more on speech and language, while the right hemisphere manages creativity and spatial relation. Let's take deeper into left brain and right brain. According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory, the right side of the brain is the best at expressive and creative tasks. There are several abilities popularly associated with the right side of the brai...
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