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  Schizophrenia is a group term for a variety of psychotic reactions defined by affect, withdrawal from life's emotional upheavals, and depending on the type, affective symptoms. These include delusions, aggressive degeneration, aggressive behavior, and hallucinations. Schizophrenia patients frequently struggle to tell what is genuine from what is not. Schizophrenia sufferers typically struggle with rational thought, emotional restraint, and interpersonal interaction. 

  Because the majority of Indonesian continue to believe that mental health issues are caused by irrational or supernatural things such as being possessed by demons, being possessed by evil spirits, breaking customary laws, and so on, the stigma surrounding psychiatric issues persists in Indonesia. Because of this stigma, some individuals choose non-medical forms of treatment (spiritual experts).

  This psychiatric condition was initially differentiated into five categories. Nevertheless, in 2013, a specialist from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) advocated deleting the five categories and just using one term, namely schizophrenia, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-V). Based on the assessment of APA experts that earlier findings about this psychiatric condition had inadequate diagnostic stability, poor validity, and low reliability, certain kinds of schizophrenia were eliminated. The five forms of schizophrenia listed below are those that professionals have previously used as a guide:

  1. Residual schizophrenia. Most often, people with residual schizophrenia don't exhibit the classic signs of the disease, such as delusions, hallucinations, and strange speech and behavior. Only when one of the other four, forms of schizophrenia had shown did they receive the diagnosis.

  2. Schizophrenia with paranoia. Hallucinations and delusions are among the most typical symptoms of this kind of schizophrenia. When they feel like they are being watched, people with paranoid schizophrenia frequently exhibit abnormal behavior, such as rage, anxiety, and even hatred. Nonetheless, people with this form of schizophrenia still have normal cognitive and expressive abilities.

  3. Schizophrenia with a variation. The most typical form of schizophrenia is this one. The signs are a mash-up of different schizophrenia subtypes.

  4. Abnormal Schizophrenia. The kind of schizophrenia with the lowest possibility of recovery is disorganized schizophrenia. Speech and behavior in those with this form of schizophrenia are disordered and challenging to understand. They occasionally have strange laughs or seem absorbed with their senses.

  5.  Schizophrenia with catatonia. The movement impairments that characterize cationic schizophrenia. This particular form of schizophrenia makes people either move very little or very quickly. Also, it was discovered that individuals occasionally preferred to repeat what others had said or did not want to talk at all. Moreover, people with cationic schizophrenia frequently lack concern for personal hygiene and are unable to finish the tasks they are working on.

There are several symptoms of schizophrenia that must be known by the family or community, those are:

1) Delusions and hallucinations

2) Mental confusion

3) Noisy,

4) Restlessness

5) Withdrawal or isolation.

  Schizophrenics are frequently concealed, shunned, and ostracized due to societal attitudes that still regard it as a family disgrace if one of the relatives has this illness. We should be more conscious of the significance of community literacy for people with schizophrenia.  

(P.S. Thank you for your hard work to make this masterpiece. Darell Stanza, we hope that one day you will become a good writer for the world.)




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