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Poor Mindset Vs Rich Mindset


  Keep in mind, this is not about rich people vs poor people. Maybe you are rich, but we never know next week you are suddenly poor. Perhaps you are poor, but we never know tomorrow you become rich. If you haven't figured it out, being rich is not all about money. It's about the right mindset. There are many poor people with a rich mindset, financially poor due to circumstances. There are many rich people with a poor mindset. So what is the difference?

  If you have spent any time on social media such as Instagram, TikTok, or Youtube, you've no doubt seen people posting content about their luxury lifestyles. For some, the images are real. But for others, there is a lot of debt, poor credit, and zero saving behind the scene. This is a key differentiator between rich and poor people. Living in luxury can be one of the habits of the poor mindset. So, let's move on to the point.

  Resourcefulness. A rich mindset understands that the first goal is to gain a surplus of resources. Then, use that surplus to accelerate things. It can accelerate education, business, and investment. On the other hand, a poor mindset immediately sees a surplus as an opportunity for consumption and inflates its lifestyle. They don't really care about making side businesses or investments to make more income. To look more luxurious and wealthy among others is prioritised.

  Take risks. Another difference between the rich mindset and the poor mindset is that the rich mindset understands that in order to succeed, one must take risks. Poor mindsets do not take big risks because they only see the potential for disaster instead of the reward. Those with a rich mindset are more likely to work outside of their comfort zones by taking risks on investments and businesses. While those with poor mindsets are more likely to be scared to fail. 

  Believe in themselves. Rich mindsets believe in themselves, their value, and their ability to deliver. Poor mindsets, they don't have those. That is why they need "guarantees". The only way to earn what you are really worth is to get paid based on your results. Here are the things, Which one do you want, a successful career or a close relationship with your family? Focus on business or have fun and play? Money or meaning in your life? Earn a fortune or do the work you love? Poor mindsets people choose one or the other. Rich mindsets people choose both. 

  Now, you know some of the differences between rich and poor mindsets. Becoming rich is not hard, but it does take time and effort. Practice habits that will make you wealthy, not habits of the poor mindset. You can become a millionaire. It won't happen overnight, but with consistent and diligent effort, you'll be well on your way to achieving wealth. After all, everyone wants to be rich on their own. Thank you for your time and as always have a nice day 😀.


  1. Rich vs. Poor Mindset: 9 Mindset Habits to Adapt for a Better Life (2021). Available at:
  2. The Rich Mindset vs. The Poor Mindset - Thomas Frank (2022). Available at:,focusing%20on%20its%20core%20strengths.
  3. Rich Mindset Vs Poor Mindset: How to Develop a Rich Mindset! (2022). Available at:
  4. Rich Mindset Vs. Poor Mindset: 13 Real Difference (2022). Available at:
  5. 13 Differences Between A Rich and Poor Mindset (2022). Avalaible at:


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