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#Happy (Everything just for Likes Button)


  How often have you seen someone "happy-looking" photos of a person on social media like Instagram? How often are you getting someone to have the "perfect and joyful" life we all dream about? A lot, isn't it? Nowadays society wants to look happy online to share how great moments they have when they get a new sports car or new mansion, so others can give them a likes button. However, the idea is that the person's happiness may be fake or superficial because they try to make others feel better about themselves. 

  Social media has become one of the essential parts of modern society. We all have at least one account for each social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Discord, YouTube, TikTok, and so on. The problem arises when these social platforms start influencing how we live our lives. Let's say someone wants to look beautiful and perfect, they may post pictures or short videos of skincare and make-up tips. Online sharing of successes became a necessity for people. In addition, heavy social media usage can lead to low self-esteem and envy, which often fall into something called a comparison trap

  Fake happiness shows self-esteem issues. The quantity of comments and likes obtained on social media harms self-worth. Jealousy comes about as a result of frequent social media activity, particularly among people with low self-esteem. Human well-being has greater improved by technology and social media. However, there are a few negative effects that can be skewed across the demography. 

  Fake happiness gives others false expectations. Social media is a fantastic tool for connecting, conversing, and collaborating with others. Many people use social media to convince others that they are flawless, famous, wealthy, educated, and accomplished. Social media is much like a drug from the likes button that helps you think you're okay and the world is treating you well. False cheerfulness on social media can be harmful, especially to young people. This can lead to suicide at young ages when they think they are not good enough in their lives. 

  Fake happiness gives temporary happiness. People enjoy receiving positive feedback of any kind, especially publicly and online. Of course, social media users will enjoy a temporary boost in happiness when likes, shares, or positive comments on social media posts are increasing. Even some people began buying fake followers to imitate popularity and increase engagement on their profiles. However, this is not actual happiness. 

  The perfectly captured picture and the number of likes will not make our lives better. People are trying to hide their weaknesses behind happy photos, luxury items, and traveling. In the end, the reasons why people fake happiness on social media are FOMO, afraid of being a failure, and needing approval and validation from others. 

  Almost all posts on social media are only showing their happiness. This proves that happiness on social media is just for likes button, shares, and positive comments. Temporary happiness is more precise. We never know what are the real feelings behind those photos. Instead of taking a million photos of your meal, you can enjoy your meal and be present in the conversation. 

  You can always see the content shared from around the world, but you cannot return the missed moments with your closest. Thank you for your time and please, make sure to be happy in real life 😀.


  1. Rachamalla, B. (2021) Faking Happiness on Social Media - End Now Foundation, End Now Foundation. Available at:
  2. Kristenson, S. (2021) Should You Fake Happiness on Social Media? Our Answer, Happier Human. Available at:
  3. Why Faking Happiness is Bad (and Not Just on Social Media) (2022). Available at:
  4. Angelov, M. (2021) Why Do People Fake Happiness on Social Media?, thedigitalchain. Available at:


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