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Working to Learn


  As human beings, the desire to know, to learn, and to grow seems stuck in the human mind. Our curiousity is following us everywhere. Whether the goal is to survive, gain knowledge for a good reward, or gain a feeling of pride among others. Nowadays, most workers spend 28% of their time on e-mail, 19% of their time searching for data, and 14% of their time communicating in formal and informal meetings. If we combined together, 61% of this population leads just for getting money and pride.

  Learning at work or working to learn requires new mindsets. Instead of looking only for earning, learning at work can lead to experience and gaining new skills that we never had before. From the moment we are born, we start learning. It's well known that as children, our brains are like sponges soaking up new information, and absorbing it as we experience new things. After graduating from university or high school, the workplace becomes our new learning region. 

  The experience becomes our personality, shaping our persona and professionalism that can be beneficial to others and ourselves. It helps reduce boredom in the workplace and keeps interest levels high. If we are doing the same things over and over again at work can quickly lead to boredom as it becomes monotonous. However, being willing to learn helps to break that cycle, making daily life work much more interesting. 

  It makes it more adaptable. Learning helps us become more open to change. By developing a growth mindset and wanting to learn new things at work, will be more adaptable to the changes happening in our profession and workplace. Like an old said, learn something new every day. 

  The knowledge will stay relevant. Continuing our learning and professional development in our careers keeps us up to date with advances and changes in new technology. This means we won't get left behind as innovation changes ways of working. Without becoming a learning enthusiast and attending everything possible, it is highly advisable to think about our current and future learning. We are fundamentally the same as we were when we were children.

  Working is not about earning, it's more like learning new skills. Being willing to learn at the workplace can get many benefits to ourselves. Once we become perfect among others, earning will follow no matter what. Thank you and have a lovely day 😀.


  1. Windham-Bradstock, C. (2022) Council Post: Working To Learn And Learning To Work, Together And Better, Forbes. Available at:
  2. Making Learning a Part of Everyday Work (2019). Available at:
  3. Jennings, C. (2017) Making Learning Work, eLearning Industry. Available at:
  4. The Benefits Of Personal Development At Work (2022). Available at:
  5. Learn from work experience (2022). Available at:


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