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Men's Brains Vs Women's Brains


  Have you ever heard the myth that women and men have different types of brains? Probably some of you may have heard that men's brains are larger than women's because of their logic. The male brain is about 10 percent larger on average than the female brain, however, size doesn't matter here and it does not impact intelligence.

  In the neurological details, researchers propose that the differences result in men and women having different strengths. So there is no which one is better and which one is not, each is better, on average, in certain respects. Men and women are all capable of succeeding at various tasks. We may call on different brain regions and networks in doing. Here are some interesting differences between men's brains and women's brains. 

  Women have more active emotional brains. According to studies, female brains showed higher activity levels in the limbic system, known as the emotional brain. This is associated with greater empathy and may explain why women are often the primary caretakers of children and the elderly. Higher activity in the emotional centers of the brain is also associated with a higher risk of depression and anxiety. That is why women mostly get depressed or emotional easily.

   Men have better at performing single tasks. According to studies, female brains revealed significantly higher activity compared with male brains. This proves that women are better at multitasking. Men's brains are a lot quieter. For example, in problem-solving, men rely on localised brainpower while women tend to harness several areas of the brain. 

  Reaction to stress. Men tend to have a "fight or flight" response to stressful situations while women seem to approach these situations with a "tend and befriend". The reason for these different reactions to stress is rooted in hormones. The hormone oxytocin is released during stress in everyone. However, estrogen (female hormones) tends to enhance oxytocin resulting in calming and nurturing feeling. On the other hand, testosterone (male hormones) is produced at high levels during stress, reducing the effects of oxytocin. 

  Brain connections change as a result of experience and learning. Male and female brains may start out similar but become different over time as boys and girls are treated differently, and for whom there are different expectations. There may be neurological differences, but there are also cultural influences. The percentage of differences is anybody's guess at this point in time.

  Thank you for today and as always have a nice day 😀.


  1. Male and Female Brains (2022). Available at:
  2. Courses, T. (2018) How Do The Brains of Men and Women Differ?, Wondrium Daily. Available at:
  3. Medicine, N. (2022) Battle of the Brain: Men Vs. Women [Infographic], Northwestern Medicine. Available at:
  4. 10 Big Differences between Men’s and Women’s Brains | Articles | The Living Word Christian Ministries, Inc. (2022). Available at:
  5. A Neuroscientist & Psychiatrist Explains 6 Ways Male & Female Brains Can Differ. (2021). Available at:


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