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Showing posts from November, 2022

Men's Brains Vs Women's Brains

    Have you ever heard the myth that women and men have different types of brains? Probably some of you may have heard that men's brains are larger than women's because of their logic. The male brain is about 10 percent larger on average than the female brain, however, size doesn't matter here and it does not impact intelligence.   In the neurological details, researchers propose that the differences result in men and women having different strengths. So there is no which one is better and which one is not, each is better, on average, in certain respects. Men and women are all capable of succeeding at various tasks. We may call on different brain regions and networks in doing. Here are some interesting differences between men's brains and women's brains.    Women have more active emotional brains . According to studies, female brains showed higher activity levels in the limbic system, known as the emotional brain. This is associated with greater empathy and may exp


    One of the behaviours that we need among others is charisma. Have you heard about it? If you do congratulation, but if you don't, keep reading this article. Charisma is the personal quality of being able to attract, influence, and charm around you. Usually, it is easy to identify when someone is charismatic.    These behavioural traits can be learned by anyone, such as self-awareness, active listening, and treating each person to encounter with equal respect. A charismatic personality is someone who displays both social and leadership skills. They have warmth and competence that engages. Despite charisma is not merely a trait of celebrities or extroverts person, charisma is a learnable skill and so important. Why is that?   Charismatic people are emotionally intelligent . Charismatic people usually put people at ease. They have to do with body language, tone of voice, or being a good listener. However, the researchers suggest that a big part of affective presence may be how peo

Working to Learn

    As human beings, the desire to know, to learn, and to grow seems stuck in the human mind. Our curiousity is following us everywhere. Whether the goal is to survive, gain knowledge for a good reward, or gain a feeling of pride among others. Nowadays, most workers spend 28% of their time on e-mail, 19% of their time searching for data, and 14% of their time communicating in formal and informal meetings. If we combined together, 61% of this population leads just for getting money and pride.   Learning at work or working to learn requires new mindsets. Instead of looking only for earning, learning at work can lead to experience and gaining new skills that we never had before. From the moment we are born, we start learning. It's well known that as children, our brains are like sponges soaking up new information, and absorbing it as we experience new things. After graduating from university or high school, the workplace becomes our new learning region.    The experience becomes our p