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Take a Deep Breath


  Our respiratory system is one of the only systems in the body that we can control actively. At the same time, you probably don't think about your breath that often. It always breathes continuously on its own. However, paying more attention to how you are breathing can make a big impact on your stress levels. 

  When we having stressed or anxious at work, our breathing tends to be irregular and shallow. Deep breathing is a practice that enables more air to flow into our body and can help calm our nerves, which leads to reducing stress and anxiety. The reason behind that is deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to our brain and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to promotes a state of calmness. 

  Breathing techniques help us feel connected to our bodies. It brings your awareness away from worries and also anger. Deep breathing techniques are most beneficial when done on a regular basis. After all, here are some exercises that take only a few minutes. However, when you have more time, you can do it for 10 minutes or more to get even greater benefits.

  Counted breathing. Counting your breaths can be helpful, both for pacing and as a form of meditation. This technique help with pacing, it enables you to elongate your breath and stretch out your exhale. A variation of this is known as 4-7-8 breathing. Practice 4-7-8 breathing is when you inhale for a count of four, wait for a count of seven, and exhale for a count of eight. This allows you to pause between breaths and really slow things down.

  Inflating the balloon. As you inhale, imagine that your abdomen is inflating with air like a balloon. As you exhale, imagine that the air is escaping the balloon slowly. Keep in mind, you do not have to force the air out. Let it escape on its own. You may imagine the balloon as your favourite colour, or that you are floating higher in the sky with each breath. 

  Deep cleansing breath. Sometimes, all you have to need to release stress from your shoulders, back, head, or the rest of your body is a few big, cleansing breaths. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and take in as much air as you comfortably can. Release it and focus on emptying your lungs. Repeat this breathing exercise for a few breaths and release the tension in your back, your shoulders, and anywhere else it tends to reside. 

  When we feel stressed, angry, or anxious, it would be much better to take a step back and control our breathing. Our brain needs more oxygen to colling down the tension and heat. It's quite necessary to take a deep breath and do one of the techniques. Hopefully, this going to be helpful for calming yourself. Take your time, keep calm and carry on, and as always have a nice day 😀.


  1. Marksberry, K. (2012) Take a Deep Breath - The American Institute of Stress, The American Institute of Stress. Available at:,head%20and%20quiets%20your%20mind.
  2. How deep breathing can help reduce stress - Encompass Health (2020). Available at:
  3. What Is Deep Breathing? (2018). Available at:
  4. How to Reduce Stress With Breathing Exercises (2022). Available at:
  5. Breathing Techniques for Stress Relief (2022). Available at:


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