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Good Listener


  Communicating consists of two parts, expressing yourself and listening to others. However, many people forget the second part. Many people are good at talking, but when it's time to hear the thoughts and feelings of someone else, they fall behind. Good listening is one of the important soft skills in society, especially in conversation. 

  Good listening is not just about hearing what a person is saying, but making a commitment to digesting the information they are presenting and responding constructively. Whether through asking questions, making suggestions, or simply providing your thoughts when it is necessary. So why is it important and how to be a good listener? 

  Being a good listener can help a better leader and professional in the workplace regardless of your position. Whether you are a manager in charge of a team or provide support to colleagues. Instead of letting yourself become distracted easily, practicing and becoming a better listener can help you stay focused on the things that are important and also improve your communication skills. So, practicing better listening can follow these steps to improve these skills. 

  Pay attention. A good listener is attentive. They are not looking at their smartphone, clock, watch, or even thinking about their dinner plans. They are absolutely focused and paying attention to what the other person is saying. This can build trust when you make the effort to listen to someone. Also, this makes them more comfortable sharing with you and being open since you are paying attention to them. 

  Use positive body language. When we are paying attention to them, body language is essential. They lean forward and express curiosity about what is being said. Their facial expression is either smiling, showing concern, conveying empathy or sympathy, etc. They are letting the speaker how that they are being heard. The correct body language makes a better active listener more 'open'.

  Ask questions. It is one of the best ways to show you are interested. Let says, if someone is telling you about their holiday anywhere, don't respond with, "that's nice." That would show a lack of interest and disrespect. Try to ask, "How long have you been on holiday?" "Did you find something interesting on your holiday?" etc. The person will think highly of you and consider you a great conversationalist only asking a few questions. 

  By being a good listener, you get much more than being a big talker. Listening attentively will add to your connection with anyone in your life. However, nowadays when people are so disconnected due to smartphones and social media, listening skills are critical. So, go out and start practicing listening skills. Thank you for your time and as always have a nice day 😀.


  1. 8 Simple Ways to Be a Better Listener (2010). Available at:
  2. Sasson, R. (2009) The Benefits and Advantages of Being a Good Listener, Success Consciousness | Positive Thinking - Personal Development. Available at:
  3. Soken-Huberty, E. (2021) 10 Reasons Why Listening Is Important - The Important Site, The Important Site. Available at:
  4. H, Jennifer. (2022) Qualities of a Good Listener and How To Be One. Available at:,are%20presenting%20and%20responding%20constructively.


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