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Carbon Footprint

  Have you ever heard about carbon footprint? Well, that sounds very familiar, isn't it? Carbon footprint corresponds to the whole amount of greenhouse gases or GHG produced to, indirectly and directly, support people's lifestyles and activities. Carbon footprints are usually measured in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide, during the period of a year, and they can be associated with an individual or organisation. 

  Greenhouse gases are responsible for keeping our planet warm. Without it, the earth would be absolutely inhabitable. Methane from natural gas, water vapour, ozone, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide are the main constituents. Greenhouse gases protect us from the sun's radiation and regulate the internal heat on the planet. However, a significant increase in greenhouse gases also represents a new risk. Climate change and global warming are the most terrifying problems on our planet. All of these ecological threats are a result of human activity.

  The good thing about it is we can reduce our own carbon footprint. Here is some solution to reduce our own carbon footprint. 

  Transportation. Various activities that we do every day require us to move from one place to another. Many people spend their daily time using various transportation such as motorbikes, cars, buses, and planes. However, when these vehicles are used, they emit pollution and emissions that harm air quality. In the car, each liter of fuel burnt in a car engine emits over 2.5 kg of carbon dioxide. Imagine how much carbon dioxide is in one journey? Avoiding pollution of transportation can be done by walking, cycling, or using public transport, especially trains. 

  Food production, waste, and consumption. The food we eat on a daily basis does not magically appear on your table. It has been through a long journey of the production process. Food carbon footprints are the greenhouse gas emissions created throughout the process, from raw materials production to processing, and disposal. Food waste can cause greenhouse gas emissions when they pile and decompose in landfills. It would be better to eat local and seasonal produced food with short trips means less pollution from transportation. On the other hand, recycling or composting organic waste to prevent methane from decomposing can donate around 3% of GHG emissions. 

  Electrical energy usage. Nowadays, non-renewable energy sources such as coal provide the majority of the electricity we consume on a daily basis. As a result, the more electricity used, the more carbon emissions are produced by power plants using fossil fuels. Have a look around us, how many electronic devices do we use on a daily basis? Televisions, fridges, air conditioners, computers, and many others. It is quite necessary to save energy usage while you don't really need it. Unplug any charger that still drains electricity even when it is not connected. 

  Reducing our carbon footprint can help us live a healthier lifestyle. It's not just about the environment, as well as saving you money. Whether a healthier lifestyle, cleaner air, or reduced energy bills, these benefits of reducing your carbon footprint also mean you are helping our home on this planet. Hopefully, you have learned something new today and as always have a lovely day 😀.


  1. What is a carbon footprint? (2022). Available at:
  2. How to reduce your carbon footprint – 20 top tips - FutureLearn (2021). Available at:
  3. What is Carbon Footprint & What are Carbon Emissions | digibank by DBS (2022). Available at:
  4. Farah, N. (2022) What is Carbon Footprint and How to Reduce It?, EcoNusa. Available at:
  5. What Is A Carbon Footprint? A Carbon Footprint Definition (2022). Available at:


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