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The Benefits of Video Games


  As technology advances and game developers keep creating fresh content, there seems to be a new game to try every day. Video games are often misunderstood as couch potatoes or unsophisticated. The popularity of video games has been matched by the controversy they have sparked among parents, psychologists, and educators. However, video games are not always bad.

  Video games are electronic, interactive games known for their vibrant colours, sound effects, and complex graphics. In the 1970s, video games were first mass-marketed and they are played by installing cartridges into a game box connected by wire to the television set. The children manipulate a joystick or controller to control the actions of the character displayed on the screen.

  The common problem is children often become very involved in video games and do not want to stop playing them. Nowadays, the amount and degree of violence in video games are an important concern for parents. If a child plays violent video games, it can be a serious problem to imitate what they saw. However, studies showed that video games can be benefits that probably you might don't know yet.

  Video games can improve memory. Many video games require some serious strategy and concentration. If you have ever built your own civilisation in Minecraft you know how important it is to remember where you found specific resources or where you need to go next. With 3D graphics and immersive audio, video game environments are extremely rich in stimuli. This can be beneficial to keep your mind sharp even as you get older.

  Video games can make better eyesight. A study from 2012 found that people who play games are able to see more detail, especially in the periphery of their eyesight. This is especially for gamers that love playing first-person shooter games where extracting information from the visual periphery is crucial for spotting enemies or dangers. This ability can be useful in everyday tasks such as driving. 

  Video games can be a better problem solver. Games like open-world, mission-based, and multi-level games are designed as complex puzzles that take several hours to solve. Occasionally, the solution varies based on your actions in the game. Learning to think on strategise in a fast-paced fantasy environment is a skill that can translate to the real world. 

  Gaming can be a positive and beneficial experience when played in moderation. If you play games in moderation for fun and recreation, you may experience many benefits. However, if playing games and are addicted to them, then you may begin to experience problems from your play and in the worst case, gaming disorder. Keep it in balance. 

  Thank you for your time and hopefully, you have learned something new today as always, have a nice day 😀.


  1. Video Games - Definition, Description, Common problems (2022). Available at:
  2. Living, G. (2022) Benefits of Video Games For Kids & Adults, GEICO Living. Available at:
  3. 11 Positive Effects of Video Games. (n.d.). Available at:
  4. 15 Surprising Benefits of Playing Video Games (2019). Available at:
  5. 6 Benefits of Video Games for Kids (2022). Available at:
  6. 10 Reasons Why Playing Video Games is Good for Your Brain - Record Head (2020). Available at:


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