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12 Universal Laws


  Have you ever felt that everything you did is connected one way to another? Have you ever felt that everything in life has an opposite? If you have, you would feel one of the universal laws. There are 12 laws in our universe and some of you probably asked what is that? What is the impact on our life with these laws?

  The 12 universal laws are thought to be intrinsic and unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known. Keep in mind that, the 12 universal laws are a combination of science, spirit, and metaphysics. It's like guidelines that help us to understand how universal intelligence is organised. Without further due, let's take a closer look at what are those look like?

  Law of divine oneness, everything is connected. Everyone and everything is connected in the world we live in. You, we, your pets, and your family are energetically connected. We are separate individuals but we are looking at the same reality. The law of divine oneness is the foundation law of the universe. Simply remember that your action both matter and make a difference.

  Law of vibration, everything has a unique vibration and frequency. As a good living organism, every inanimate object, feeling, and desire has a unique vibration unto itself. This concept also applies to thoughts and feelings. Emotions such as joy, love, and gratitude vibrate. Let's say "I've got a good vibe for today" or "I've got a weird feeling from that person" that's how the law of vibration at work.

  Law of correspondence, external reality is reflected in internal state. The premise behind the law of correspondence is that our lives are created by the subconscious patterns we repeat every single day. Let's say if your mind is concentrated on how unhappy you are, you will continue to have negative energy, which will make you remain unhappy. 

  The law of attraction, attract what you focus on. This law introduces things, people, or events into our lives through our actions, thoughts, or emotions. Producing positive energy will attract other positive energy. The law brings people with similar interests together. It's like a magnet of energy, higher frequency thoughts attract more to the same frequency. You'll notice that things naturally. 

  Law of inspired action, take action to get results. Closely related to the previous law, the law of attraction. The law of inspired action is all about taking actionable steps to invite what we want into our lives. Each action would provide a different result, which is mostly based on thoughts, words, or dreams. Taking small actions will create self-discipline. 

  Law of perpetual transmutation of energy, energy is always changing. This law states that on an energetic level, everything in the universe is constantly evolving or fluctuating. Our energy is always moving towards high vibration known as positivity or low vibration known as negativity. Higher vibration consumes and transforms lower ones, lucky enough we are able to change the energies in our lives.

  Law of cause and effect is also known as the law of karma. Every action has a reaction, nothing ever happens by chance. It is each of our actions that create a reaction that is followed after. According to Newton's Third Law, for every action force, there will be an equal and opposite reaction force, physically, verbally, or mentally. 

  Law of compensation, it will compensate based on what it gives. This law is an extension of the law of cause and effect. The law of compensation states that we reap what we sow. What we give to others shall be given to us. In other words, you get what you give. Even if someone smiles at you, your mood instantly changes and that is a gift. Blessing has come into our lives through various forms such as gifts, money, friendship, etc.

  Law of relativity, it's all perceived reality in our own way. This law teaches us to compare our problems with other people's problems. It explains why two people can go through the same situation but have two entirely different experiences. No matter how difficult the situation might be, there will always be someone else in the worst position.

  Law of polarity, everything has an opposite. How would you know what light is if you didn't experience the dark? How would you know the feeling of happiness if you didn't ever feel sadness? The key is understanding these are all two sides of the same coin. Every time we experience something we don't want, this law points out that the thing we do want exists. It helps us learn from our mistakes 

  Law of Rhythm, nothing is permanent. All energy vibrates at a certain speed and rhythm. Everything has a cycle and stages of development. The earth orbits around the sun, the moon travels around the earth, and the earth rotates 24 hours. It's all change and nothing is permanent. Even the best athletes will fall sooner or later during a match. The only way to master each rhythm is by facing the negative part of each cycle.

  Law of Gender, creation requires males and females to keep balance. Everything has its masculine and feminine principles. Each individual should balance the masculine and feminine energies to become a Master. Without femininity, masculine would tend to act without restraint, and without masculinity, there will be a failure to do anything. 

  The 12 universal laws originated from Source (also known as God, the Universe, Higher Power, etc.) These laws cannot be created nor destroyed. They merely describe how things are. Just like the laws of gravity, these universal laws were not invented but rather discovered by humans through their observations and experiences. 

  Thank you for your time and hopefully, this article doesn't make you dizzy. Take care and have a nice day 😀.


  1. What are the 12 universal laws? (2021). Available at:,and%20the%20law%20of%20rhythm.
  2. 12 Universal Laws: How To Use Them (2022) Available at:
  3. How to harness the power of the 12 laws of the universe to improve your life (2020). Available at:
  4. 12. The Law of Gender • Wellismo (2019). Available at:
  5. 12 Universal Laws - First Media Design School (2018). Available at:
  6. 12 Universal Laws & How To Use Them To Unlock A More Spiritual Life (2020). Available at:


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