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Early Birds and Night Owls

  In this world, there are two kinds of people in this world, people who love to hear birds chirping in the morning, and people who wish the birds had a mute button somewhere. Someone likes the sun going up, someone likes the sun drowning to keep the night up. In other words, early birds and night owls. So, which one are you? 

  Early birds or morning people. They are awake in the morning and love to welcome the new day. Early birds tend to go to bed early, wake up early, and feel their best as the day begins. As a general rule, early birds find a society more accommodating than night owls do. Early birds generally have an easier time adjusting to standard daytime schedules. 

  On the other hand, night owls or night people tend to stay up late, enjoy sleeping in, have more energy at night, and feel tired after waking up early. Night owls do have a few downsides. They might have a harder time holding a traditional job. Young night owls might have trouble making a fixed school or university schedule. Let's move on to the deeper differences.

  Early birds are creative during night hours, while night owls are creative in morning hours. Funny enough but true, night owls and early birds have their bursts of creativity during their "off hours". Studies showed that people who are early birds and night owls have a better focus during optimal timing, while creative thinking was better during non-optimal hours. This proves that creativity is a common occurrence during periods of mental fatigue.  

  Early birds love breakfast, while night owls love dinner. Early birds tend to wake up in the morning and eat a healthy breakfast while doing something else productive. Night owls tend to skip breakfast and use their last few minutes before work to get dressed and rush to the office. For night owls, dinner and day-time meals are the best moments to spend. 

  Early birds are older, while night owls are younger. This simply means that people's optimal hours might depend on people's age. Older people are more likely to be early birds while younger people tend to enjoy late-night bedtimes. We can see many younger people love to go outside to hang out or party until early morning. As they enter middle age and older adulthood, they may find themselves becoming more of an early riser.

  Either early birds or night owls, quality sleep plays an essential role in physical and mental well-being. However, many studies agree that early birds are more beneficial than night owls. But don't worry, either early birds or night owls, sleep 7-9 hours, eat healthy foods, and do some physical activity are still priorities. Thank you for your time and have a nice day 😀.


  1. Is It Better to Be a Night Owl or Early Bird? (2022). Available at:
  2. In Early Birds Versus Night Owls, It’s Best to Get Some Sleep | AltaMed (2021). Available at:
  3. 7 Differences Between Early Birds And Night Owls (2015). Available at:


  1. If only it was easier to switch back to a proper sleep schedule, great post as always!


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