"Fear of missing out" as known as FOMO is a real phenomenon that is becoming increasingly common and can cause significant stress in your life. Humans are social creatures, who are wired for connection and involvement, but the FOMO may negatively affect physical and mental wellness. If you've ever wondered what you were missing, staring at your phone, and struggled between choosing which event to decline on the same night, it might have been FOMO. At some point, everyone has experienced the FOMO. The fear of missing out refers to the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. It involves a deep sense of envy and affects self-esteem. The idea of FOMO is not new to our era. It has been studied for the past few decades by marketing strategists. However, since the advent of social media, FOMO has become more obvious and it has accelerated the FOMO phenomenon. FOMO can happen when you don...
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