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Global Warming Causes


  Have you ever felt that nowadays the temperature is quite changing? Have you ever felt that the sea levels are increasing a bit? If you do feel it that means our earth is on high alert. Our earth is slowly changing every year. This is known as global warming. Some people think that global warming is a conspiracy, but believe it or not it's already happened around us. So what is global warming? What causes global warming? How should we prevent that? 

  Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing average air temperatures near the surface of Earth over the past one to two centuries by human activities. Since the industrial revolution, the global annual temperature has increased in total by a little more than 1 degree Celsius or about 2 degrees Fahrenheit. The effect of global warming can lead to climate change, melting ice, and ocean disruption. 

  People often call the result global warming, but it is causing a set of changes to the earth's climate or long-term weather patterns. Climate change encompasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme weather events that never happened before, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and other impacts. 

  Melting Ice. Perhaps this one is the most visible effect of global warming so far is the melting of glaciers and sea ice. The ice sheets have been retreating since the end of the last ice age. Moreover, some of the most immediate impacts of global warming are beneath the blue sea. Ocean act as a carbon sponge, which means they absorb and dissolve carbon dioxide. That is a good thing for the atmosphere, but it is not great for the marine ecosystem. When carbon dioxide reacts with seawater, it becomes more acidic. This can lead to coral bleaching.

  So, what causes global warming? Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide and other air pollutants collect in the atmosphere. The earth absorbs sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth's surface. The normal procedure is that solar radiation would escape into space, but the pollutants trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. These heat-trapping pollutants are known as greenhouse gases and their impact is called the greenhouse effect. 

  Some of you might be thinking, can we prevent all this madness? The answer is yes. Our lifestyles have a profound impact on our planet. We might not be able to end global warming but we can reduce the flow such as, alter our ways of transportation. Instead of using a car, try cycling to work and inspire others. Avoid wasting food. A pile of rotting food can produce methane that can lead to greenhouse gas. Make sure your plate is always clean. Recycle. Recycling is the easiest way to help prevent global warming but also one of the most beneficial solutions. 

  So, our earth needs our help. We have to believe to ourselves that we are capable to prevent global warming. Since global warming is happening to human activities then we can prevent the ongoing global warming. Could you imagine what will happen if it is too late? Thank you for your time and hopefully, you have learned something new today. Have a nice day 😀.


  1. Nations, U. (2022) What Is Climate Change? | United Nations, United Nations. Available at:
  2. Global Warming 101 (2021). Available at:
  3. global warming - Carbon dioxide (2022). Available at:
  4. What Is Global Warming? (2019). Available at:
  5. What Is Global Warming? (2022). Available at:
  6. 5 Ways to Prevent Global Warming (2021). Available at:


  1. Hopefully it does get better, this has been a good read! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you for this information. Keep up the good work :)


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