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How to get rid of Bad Habit?


  We do agree that everyone has their own bad habits. You might think you spend too much time on social media or watching TV dramas might be better than spent reading a classic novel. Even when you think you've finally mastered it, you might find yourself back to doing the same habit in an hour, a week, or even a year. This is what we called bad habits. 

  Bad habits can interrupt your life and prevent you from accomplishing your goals. They are trying to waste your precious time and energy unnecessarily. There are a lot of bad habits existing in our world such as nail-biting, smoking, excessive drinking, eating fast food, etc. About 70% of smokers say they would like to quit. But funny enough if they know smoking is bad, why can't they just stop?

  Habits can arise through repetition. They are a normal part of life and are often helpful. Habits can also develop when good or enjoyable events trigger the brain's "reward" centers. This can set up potentially harmful routines, such as smoking, drug, or alcohol abuse. However, the good news about humans are not simply creatures of habit. Our brains have many more regions to help fix bad habits.

  The First step to fixing bad habits is to identify your bad habits. Every year, at New Year's Event we make a list of our resolution. That technique is similar to we want to change our habits for the year. Spend less time on social media, eat healthy food, exercise more, quit smoking, or stop biting your nails. Identifying your bad habits is not meant to make you feel bad about yourself but is more like making you more aware of things you want to change. 

  Identify the cause. After you have identified your bad habits or made a list if it is necessary, try to find what prompts them. Maybe you are smoking because you are killing a time, or you reach beer when you're stressed or having a bad day. Anxiety or nervousness is a stressful situation that might lead you to bite your nails. Learning what puts your habit might help you come up with ideas to change the behaviour.

  Make simple changes. Professionals believe that habits are hard to break because they have become an automatic part of our daily routines and patterns. In fact, our habit-forming behaviours have been the "autopilot" part of our brain. Making simple changes can make it easier for the new behaviour to become part of the autopilot routine. Such as moving your mobile from your nightstand before bed, chewing a piece of gum when you want a cigarette, or eating fruit when you think about processed sweets.

  Keep in mind that it is not easy fixing or changing a habit that you have had for a long time. It might take some trial and error and a bit of time to make that change. But with a plan and patience, bad habits can soon be fixed. Hopefully, you have learned something new today and as always have a nice day 😀.


  1. 13 Bad Habits You Need to Quit Right Away (2014). Available at:
  2. Breaking Bad Habits (2017). Available at:
  3. Ways to Change Habits (2022). Available at:
  4. How to Break Bad Habits and Change Behaviors (2022). Available at:
  5. How to Break a Bad Habit and Replace It With a Good One (2013). Available at:



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