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Flex Culture


  How many times have you seen someone wearing a branded fashion or someone is on a luxurious holiday on social media? If you were to count it all, the number would probably be quite high. Welcome to the new era of "flex culture". Probably some of you who have no idea what is the flex culture, flex is a slang term meaning "to show off", whether it be in physique, belongings, or some other thing that consider superior to those of others. 

  This new "flex culture" has become quite common nowadays. We have been looking up to certain people from the very beginning, be it celebrities, or models, and now it's the trend of influencers, making them our role models. On social media, if someone posts about the new expensive car that just bought or maybe a fancy yacht, flexing wealth can be a fraught move. So why do people show off on social media?

   Some people show off social media to make statements to the world. People want to prove they have made it to the top. They want to show their accomplishment and their strengths. Others who off to someone jealousy or envy others. They create Instagram, Youtube, or other social media Envy to prove that they can't be overshadowed. Some people believe that showing off their money will bring them more friends.

  However, this type of content is so much liked by audiences that some influencers choose to fake it in order to give the impression that they are living that lifestyle. People used Photoshop in order to appear wealthier than they really are. We can see that they flew in a private jet, they stood next to famous celebrities and they drove luxurious cars, but in reality, they were simply using a green screen, a camera, and skillful editing in order to feign a luxurious lifestyle. On the other hand, there are people who take risks such as taking a loan in order to flexing. 

  Flex culture has turned this whole generation into imposters. People are there living with the motto 'fake it till you make it' and then have them move on to laughing at someone who is actually financially comfortable and genuinely happy. This is not to say that every Youtuber or influencer uses their money to show off to others. Yes, influencer marketing has been a massive source of income for both sides. But keep in my mind, there have been many individuals who have used their wealth in a positive manner such as for charity.

  Flex culture should not always be perceived as negative, with harmful intentions. Don't let your whole world revolve around money and all that it can buy. There is more to life beyond such real luxuries. We need to learn to be happy and comfortable with what we have. Keep in mind that flexing is a fake rich. Thank you for your time and as always have a nice day 😀.


  1. Social Media Culture: Flexing on the Gram - GetKidsInternetSafe (2019). Available at:
  2. Showing off wealth on social media? Get ready for the backlash (2021). Available at:
  3. Staff, S. (2019) Flex Culture, Student Independent News. Available at:
  4. How Is Flex Culture (Show Off) Killing Us? (2021). Available at:
  5. Flex Culture (2021). Available at:



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