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Toxic Friendship

  Ah yes, toxic friendship. Have you ever had a friend who does and says things that often upset you? Friendships, just like romantic friendships, this one can be toxic. Unlike other people in your life, this friend frequently causes tension amongst your friends, but it's hard to tell if this person just needs everyone to be a bit more forgiving or if they are obviously toxic.

  Toxic friends are pessimistic, inspire unhappiness, make you feel guilty, angry easily, and are not trustworthy. A healthy friendship should be two-sided, with both people giving and receiving. On the other hand, the sign of a toxic relationship, one person feels more invested. They always feel the way to compromise and may even feel taken advantage of by the other person. Another sign of a toxic friendship is if you feel physically or emotionally unsafe. So how to identify a toxic friend?

  A toxic friend doesn't happy that you have other friends. In a natural friendship, you should always be free to meet new people and spend your time as you need or want. However, toxic friends will get in your way whenever you want to spend time with other people. They will try to find an excuse to make you feel bad when you choose time with someone else. 

  Always drama. When things are going well, a toxic friend may stir up chaos by doing things such as picking a fight for no apparent reason and actually level in it. A toxic friend can not enjoy the peace of any situation, they are always either arguing with someone and causing problems, or unbelievable things keep happening to them. Dear Heaven.

  Frequently gossip. Before a friendship becomes toxic, there are red flags to look out for including how toxic friend talks about other people behind their back. Gossip often breeds mistrust and suspicion, especially if your friend constantly gossips about other people. Sometimes, you are not hearing your friend talk about someone else, but you hear information about yourself from someone you didn't share it with. 

  We indeed had a fantastic friendship, but it had run its course. The friendship might become toxic for both of us. But if you find a toxic friend, it will be better to stay away from them and see how your life changes without the toxic friend around. Thank you for your time and have a nice day 😀.


  1. What is a Toxic Friend Like? (2022) Available at:
  2. How to Break Up With a Toxic Friend (2022). Available at:
  3. Toxic Friends: Signs You’re In A Toxic Friendship & What to Do (2022). Available at:
  4. 10 Signs Your Friendship Is Toxic, and How To Deal With It | Well+Good (2021). Available at:
  5. 10 Signs You’re In A Toxic Friendship (2022). Available at:


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