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Strawberry Generation


  Have you ever heard about the Strawberry generation? Well, obviously it doesn't mean the generation that has full of strawberries. The strawberry generation traces its origins to the Chinese-language neologism for Taiwanese people born after 1982. They are the young individuals of today, which the west likes to call snowflakes. It is a term generally used to describe the new generation where it means that they are unable to withstand social pressure and lack of resilience to overcome challenges in life.

  Sometimes, the strawberry generation may not even recognise the privilege they have. This is why as a parent, they need to realise that their upbringing plays a vital role in how to shape their children in the future. They could either become a part of the strawberry generation or contribute more effectively to society. Here's how maybe the strawberry generation formed. 

  Buying kids whatever they want. Keep in mind, a healthy upbringing will see a child understand and accept the word "no". While parents were known to be strict in the olden days, the new-age parents often choose to give their kids' demands and buy whatever they want. From this, the child grows up with no real sense of gratitude. 

  Money is almost everything. Today society, the world is full of busy careers that are as important as raising a family, parent can often compensate for spending time with their children by spoiling them with heavy wallets. This is an old-school method and that's proven to fail every time. It creates the notion that money can be a redeeming factor, no matter the mistake. Money is only as good as creating a sense of entitlement. 

  Never punishing their kids. Parents need to be critical of their child's actions. Parents are their first school, their first teacher, and their first friend. If the parents do not punish them for doing something wrong, they are just enabling the wrong behaviour. Their child will believe that there are no consequences for their actions. This is not meant to say that they need to severely punish their child. 

  However, many people defined Millennials as "strawberries" who are unable to take hardships, narcissistic, and deeply self-entitled. Well, it is not totally right. After all, no generation is superior to another and each generation has its own set of unique challenges. Millennials are adapting to economic trends, have a clear direction in life. and value work-life balance more. 

  On the other hand, the strawberry generation is prevalent in all parts of the world today. They are not willing to take responsibility, sense of Self-entitlement, bruise easily (just like strawberries), have unrealistic expectations, savvier in terms of modern trends, and grow bored easily. Millennials and the "strawberries" generation are not the same. Keep in mind. 

  As we can see, the strawberry generations are almost everywhere around us. They are already programmed by their parents which is one of the problems for the future of their children. Since the world is getting intense competition, soon or later the strawberry generation will not survive. 

  Hopefully, you've learned and understood from this article today, and as always have a nice day 😀.


  1. Ho et al. (2018) Are millennials the strawberry generation? | School Plus, School Plus. Available at:
  2. Why The Strawberry Generation Is In Trouble? | Tuition Agency (2022). Available at:
  3. Strawberry Generation: 5 Ways Parents Can Avoid Raising Entitled Brats | theAsianparent (2021). Available at:
  4. 8 Signs That You Are Part Of The Weak Strawberry Generation (2015). Available at:
  5. Is it fair to label Millennials the Strawberry Generation? (2015). Available at:


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