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What is Workaholic?


  Ah yes, workaholism is one of the common phenomena in our society. Some of us do it for the pay, while others do it for the recognition. Ironically, a few of us just might be doing it because we feel like we're obligate to do it. Sad but true. Moreover, some people are lucky enough to love their jobs and find them to be a source of fulfillment. However, these passionate workers may be in danger of becoming workaholics and having their lifespan drain into work only. They forgot those are temporary.

  The term "workaholism" was first used in 1971 defined as a compulsion or an uncontrollable need to work incessantly. People with work addiction often work compulsively at the expense of other aspects of their lives. They may work long hours even when it is not needed, sacrifice sleep to get work done and be paranoid about their work performance. 

  This addiction is similar to drugs and alcohol which may be associated with health problems. In this case, it can lead to high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep problem. The greater risk can be put into blood pressure and high cortisol level. But don't worry, work addiction is treatable. 

  The first thing we can prevent is to make schedule activities after our workday is over. Let's say, plan to go for a walk, meditate, have family time, write in a journal, play video games, or make dinner after work. Creating a routine can help give workaholics structure and keep them engaged, even when they are not actually working. So try to find yourself what you like outside work.

  Take weekends off. One of the biggest problems business owners and employees face when becoming workaholics is that they feel guilty about taking time off. It's vital that you have some time for yourself and your family, and forcing yourself to take weekends off helps you keep a work-life balance. You'll still have the freedom to work a few extra hours during the week if you insist, but by forcing you to take weekends off, you're rewarding yourself and keeping the workaholic stereotype at bay. 

  Turn off notifications after working hours. Advances in technology have made communication easier, but it has also meant people need to be alert 24/7 for any work-related notifications. you might want to have separate phone numbers for your private and work lives, and turn off your work phone once the workday ends. 

  Right, the bottom line. If you're addicted to work, you'll feel a compulsive need to do your job. When you're away from it, you'll find it difficult to "turn off", which can affect your mental and physical health as well as your personal relationships. So have a break for a moment and enjoy your own life. That's all for today, hopefully, this article is helpful for you. As always, have a nice day 😀.


  1. Are You a Workaholic? Here’s How to Tell If You’re Addicted to Work (2022). Available at:
  2. Are You a Workaholic? (2020). Available at:,no%20problem%20avoiding%20personal%20obligations.
  3. Morin, A. (2022) 7 Signs You May Be A Workaholic, Forbes. Available at:
  4. Post, T. (2022) How to prevent yourself from becoming a workaholic, The Jakarta Post. Available at:
  5. Council, Y. (2022) Council Post: Want To Combat Workaholism? 10 Tips For Leading A More Balanced Life, Forbes. Available at:


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