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Fake Rich Vs Real Rich


  If we search on Google for "rich", the result from on the first sentence is "having wealth or great possessions." From that, we can guess it being rich means we have money and a ton of high-quality stuff. Now, what about the "fake rich"? One of them is a long-term life goal, and the other one, not so much.

  Rich people spend a lot of money, whether they have it or not. Most people think when they hear the word rich means someone wearing Louis Vuitton and Gucci, surrounded by piles of cash, and owning a private jet and luxury car. Well congratulation, that is what it calls "fake rich" or blowing money on a bunch of super-expensive items to impress everyone around. Only a few people understand the real definition of rich, So today let us learn to find the difference between fake rich and real rich. 

  The most obvious sign of fake rich is the money talk. Fake rich don't have the money people think they have in the first place. One sign of fake rich is that while conversing they will continuously brag about what they own. Fake rich people are so quick to talk about their financial success even without asking. On the other hand, real rich people are only want to talk about what they are learning. They know that it's not about the money they want to talk about all the time. Because they have enough of it and it's not necessary to freak out over that. The key is to keep it humble. 

  The next one is fake rich people have to dress a specific way. This is another easy way to show someone "have money" is to dress in expensive-looking clothes. Fake rich are so quick in seeking the approval of others. Which means they are in endless need of validation. The best example is when you go to the shopping center you often see women wearing a very expensive outfit. Meanwhile, real rich people are not wearing flashy clothes. They are simple people who aren't trying to impress anyone. But if we closely observe them, there is always quality in what they choose to wear. Not a flash brandy logo.

  The last one is fake rich always seem to want more. These people really want to have the newest and best to show others how much money they have. Moreover, they don't care if they want to take debt only for getting the expensive stuff. However, real rich people are like to avoid having any debt. It means not taking out loans for things like cars and tending to shy away from credits cards. Mostly, they are thinking about priority spending. They know that once they go into debt, it is a lot harder to get out. 

  So how do the real rich stay rich? They merely live like ordinary people. The real rich people are more private instead of becoming a spotlight. From this article, we can understand that being frugal doesn't mean being cheap. We can live a life of frugality and still enjoy many things in life without having to live in a mansion. Thank you for your time and have a nice day 😀.


  1. Muneer, U., and Mendoza, I. (2021) What's the Differences Between the Fake Rich Vs the Real Rich?, Socially - Entrepreneurs, Motivation, Wisdom, and Business. Available at:
  2. Money, S. et al. (2020) How to Identify the Fake Rich From the Real Rich - Money Mozart, Money Mozart. Available at:
  3. Rich vs. Wealthy: What’s the Difference? (2022). Available at:
  4. 15 Signs Someone is FAKE RICH(2022) Available at:


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