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How to Control your Anger?

  Do you feel angry when someone cuts you off in traffic? Or someone spilt a coffee and makes your favourite shirt dirty? Does your blood pressure rocket when your child refuses to cooperate? Well if it's yes, you do feel angry. Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But keep in mind when it gets out of control, it can turn destructive. So what is anger anyway?

  Anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage. When we feel angry, our heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of our energy hormones and adrenaline. Anger can be caused by both external and internal events. We could be angry at a specific person or event such as a traffic jam. Managing our anger doesn't mean we never feel angry. Instead, it involves learning how to recognise and express our anger in a healthy way. Why is that?

  Well, angry feelings can lead to aggressive behaviour, like yelling or damaging property. However, instead of damaging property caused by our anger let's close a look to see how to manage our anger. 

  Relaxation. A simple relaxation tool in our body is deep breathing. Deep, slow breathing helps counteract rising tension. The key is to breathe deeply from the abdomen, getting as much fresh air as possible into our lungs. Moreover, having a deep breath can quickly relieve stress and cool down. You might try listening to your favourite piece of music, looking at treasured photos, or stroking a pet.

  Use humour to release tension. Without humour, the world would be bitter to live. When things get tense, humour and playfulness can help us to lighten the mood, smooth over differences, and keep things in perspective. When we feel ourself angry in a situation, try using a little lighthearted humour. It can allow getting our point across without getting the other person's defences up or hurting their feelings.

  Stay calm by taking care of yourself. Taking care of your overall mental and physical well-being can help ease tension and diffuse anger problems. Let's say talk to someone you trust. Nothing eases stress more effectively than chatting face-to-face with a friend or loved one. If you're going to talk to a friend, make sure you're working on developing a solution or reducing your anger, not venting. You might find that the best way to use this strategy is to talk about something other than the situation causing you to feel angry. 

  Keep in mind, anger is a reality of life, but we can manage it with the right work and a clear mindset. For many people, angry outbursts serve a purpose. Yelling at someone may get them to comply with your demands. But while aggressive behaviour may get your needs met in the short term, there are long-term consequences. So it is necessary to manage our anger. 

  Hopefully, you've learned something new from this article and as always have a nice day 😀.


  1. How to Manage Your Anger: Anger Management Strategies (2022). Available at:
  2. Anger management: 10 tips to tame your temper (2022). Available at:
  3. Controlling Anger — Before It Controls You (2022). Available at:
  4. Anger Management - (2022). Available at:
  5. Anger Management Techniques to Calm You Down Fast (2022). Available at:


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