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Fluffy Clouds


  Ah yes, who doesn't like watching fluffy clouds floating in the sky. It's very relaxing watching clouds and letting our imaginations guess the shape of the clouds in good weather. Other times they are giant, angry, dark, and towering high above the earth's surface. But do you wonder what is cloud and how they made of? 

  Imagine a cloud is like the steam in your bathroom or the fog you might sometimes walk in the park. It is tonnes of air with a whole lot of very tiny water droplets in it. It is mainly air, because the droplets are really tiny and far apart, usually ten of them side by side would only be as wide as one human hair. It can say that clouds are made of thousands of tiny water droplets or ice crystals that condensed from water vapour. 

  Water vapour is lighter than the air around us, so it rises up into the atmosphere. As it goes higher and higher, the temperature of the air around the water vapour begins to drop. Once the temperature drops low enough, the vapour starts to condense. Once enough condensed water molecules group together, they form clouds. A cloud is formed when warm, moist air rises and cools. If warm air with lots of moisture in it cools down, the moisture forms little cloud droplets in the air. If the clouds are high enough and cold enough, some of the water droplets might freeze and then the cloud is made of ice crystals.

  Let's talk about the colour of the cloud. Some clouds are grey and white. Cloud appear white because the water droplets that make up the cloud are scattering light in all directions. As all of the colours of the light spectrum are being scattered at once, our eyes "see" the colour white. Grey or dark grey rain clouds have lots of water in them and block or absorb the sunlight that falls on them. They also tend to cover the sky, so there is very little space for sunlight to be reflected off the side of them.

  Most clouds are found within the troposphere, the lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere. They can be divided into 4 groups based on their appearance: Cirrus, Cumulus, Nimbus and Stratus, with divided into 3 groups by their altitude level above the earth's surface: low clouds (less than 6,500 feet or 1,981 metres), Mid-level clouds (6,500 - 20,000 feet or 1,981 - 6,096 metres), and high-level clouds are above 20,000 feet. 

  Well, that's it for the article today, hopefully, after you have read this article you can go outside and look up the sky and beautiful clouds. Observe the shape and feel the clouds move with the wind. Thank you for your time and have a nice day 😀.


  1. Cloud - Facts and Information - World of Phenomena (2021). Available at:
  2. Types of Clouds | NOAA SciJinks – All About Weather (2021). Available at:
  3. Clouds (2007). Available at:
  4. 15 Billowing Facts About Clouds (2016). Available at:
  5. 7 facts about clouds (2021). Available at:



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