Have you ever loved yourself? Have you ever shown yourself respect? It might sound narcissistic or conceited but in fact, it does quite the opposite. Love and respect are one of the greatest gifts we could give ourselves. People spend lifetimes learning how to appreciate and value their own skills, opinions, and sense of self. Many times we find ourselves questioning our own abilities and strengths.
Having self-love and self-respect impact every aspect of life. It does not mean being selfish or even taking yourself for the nave of the world and closing yourself off from the outside of the world. To love yourself is to reconnect with your nature. It's getting better to know yourself, to understand yourself, and to accept yourself as you are. Some say it would even necessary starting point to create and live the life that suits you.
Now let's explore how you can love and respect yourself more and improve your life.
Accept who you are. That is rule number one, accepting yourself comes under the principle of self-esteem. Self-acceptance is to start by loving yourself a little. Every part of your past and part of your body is a part of you. All of your flaws and imperfections make up the wonderful person you are today. Everyone deserves love and respect, so you are the same as everyone.
Whatever you've done today is enough. Show self-respect means not being overly self-critical, judgmental, or restrictive. It's very easy to chain ourselves to a to-do list. Practice making purposeful shifts toward self-kindness by saying to yourself as you finish one task and contemplate the next. Maybe you could get a little reward yourself for a job well done.
Follow your heart and dreams. The only thing that separates people from what they really want in this life is drive. Hard work beats out talent and day of the week. As long as you know what you want to do and what will make you happy, you can work to catch it. The universe may present challenges to you, but you can overcome anything with the right mentality and plan.
Well mates, self-respect and self-love are all about treating yourself the way you would want others to treat you. Focusing only on our self-perceived faults and flaws. We are giving permission to focus and catch the rest of the world on them too. If we don't respect ourselves, then how can we be respected by others?
Thank you for your time and effort to read this article. Hopefully, you are learning something new from this article. Good luck and have a nice day 😀.
- How do you learn to love and respect yourself again? - Stress.app (2021). Available at: https://stress.app/blog/how-do-you-learn-to-love-and-respect-yourself-again/.
- 12 Ways To Show Yourself Respect (And Teach Others To Do The Same) (2015). Available at: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-20165/12-ways-to-show-yourself-respect-and-teach-others-to-do-the-same.html.
- 17 Ways to Respect Yourself (And Why It's Important), Minimalism Made Simple (2020). Available at: https://www.minimalismmadesimple.com/home/respect-yourself/.
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