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Prevent Drugs Addiction


  Whoever read this either adults, young adults, or teenagers, you are in the right place. Because now it's about a very important topic. If you want to try any foreign substances out there, STAY AWAY! But if you are already using any substances and try to take an important step to avoid addiction by becoming informed; Congratulation! Keep reading for more information about this topic.

  Alright, the first thing to do is discover new ways to manage stress. We all have many emotions either positive or negative. Drugs are one of the ways to escape the problems. Sadly it can not run forever, they will always return. Let's try any activity you like to release and process your emotions. For example, listening to music, playing video games, dancing, or walking at the park, could be anything. 

  Learn to deal with life's pressures. For many people, drug consumption is a way to escape the harsh realities of life. Learning to cope with life's pressures will go a long way when it comes to helping people stay away from drugs. Create a lifestyle that brings you happiness. Make an effort to find your strength and good qualities. Perhaps you are funny and your friend cherishes you for that, or perhaps you are intelligent, supportive, and lovely. Focus them, bring them and let them shine.

  Seek a therapist for mental illness. Sometimes, it is difficult to do without supportive and qualified help, therefore strongly recommend you seek therapy. There is no shame in receiving psychological treatment. It doesn't mean that you are 'crazy', it means you are trying to be a better person. Mental illness, such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder may turn to drugs as a way to ease the pain. 

  Here we go mates, a little education on ways to avoid drug addiction. Always remember drugs are not a solution to ease emotional pains. Moreover, it's important for a person who has already developed an addiction to seek drug treatment. So please stay away, thank you, and have a nice day 😀.

  1. Is It Possible to Avoid Drug Addiction? | Breathe Life Healing Centers (2017). Available at:

  2. 5 Ways to Prevent Substance Abuse | Treatment Solutions (2019). Available at:

  3. 4 Ways To Prevent Drug Addiction (2013). Available at:


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