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Showing posts from October, 2021

Burn my Dread

    Aaaaaah I'm scared. I don't want to do it. I can't. You know what it's like to be afraid of something whether it be speech, thunderstorms, or losing someone you love. Fear is a normal human emotion that warns bodies to be careful. When fear becomes a pattern in our lives, they become a problem.    Some are afraid of failure, others are afraid of success. Fearfulness can cause harm to your physical and mental stability. Whatever it is that scares you, burn those fears immediately. Moreover, here are some tips to help you to burn any fears or anxiety.   Understand your fear and face it. Fear exists to keep us safe. It is not good or bad but a tool we can use to make better decisions. But fear isn't designed to keep us inactive. To help yourself face your fears, try to keep a journal over a period of three or two weeks. Record any pattern you notice. Do your hands are shaky or turn clammy while doing a speech? What do you do when your fears arise? Write down an...

Social Media Addiction

  How long have you spent your time checking social media? 1 hour? 2 hours? or 5 hours a day in total?. If you spend hours of the day on your mobile checking social media, you're not unusual. Checking and scrolling through social media has become an increasingly popular activity over the last decade. Social media addiction behavioral addiction is characterised as being overly concerned about social media and driven by an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use social media.    Addicted social media has similar addiction to drinking alcohol, drug, and gambling. Whenever you open your favourite apps, the dopamine signal is increasing. Dopamine is the "feel-good" neurotransmitter. So every time you've got like from somebody, it feels good. That is dopamine playing the role. Thus, as the feel-good dopamine wears off, you'll go back to get more.    Social media could be harmful to us. It can increase isolation and loneliness. Every time you go to have dinner with som...

Work Harder or Work Smarter?

    Which one do you prefer if you have some work from your boss, teacher, or someone who is superior to you, works hard or works smart? Which one is suitable for you to work, work smarter or work harder? There is no correct or wrong answer. It depends on somebody, some of you probably choose to work smarter or work harder.    Regardless of your job, there aren't always enough hours in the day to get everything done. As result, you constantly feel like always left behind. Sadly that's not good for productivity or your health. The hard worker may choose to put extra hours to work. Actually is not necessarily. Instead of putting in those extra hours, you can become more effective at work by focusing on what really matters. Those are the smart workers.   The key to greater productivity and bigger results is to work smarter, not harder. Learning to work smarter can improve your productivity and performance, and help to manage your time better. Working smarter means ...

Improve Writing Skills

     Believe it or not, writing is one of the world's oldest forms of communication that still exists today. Our daily communication is accompanied by some form of writing, which could be in text messages, daily mails, a chatbox, or posts of your own social media accounts.    Writing is one of the skills that people should have and doesn't count to born talent. It's a skill that almost anybody can improve their writing skills with a little discipline and a willingness to learn. If some of you are curious enough these are some tips that can improve your writing skills.    Read as much as you can. Read, read, and read more. Reading is closely related to writing. This will help to improve our vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. When we read, we learn how other people write to convey their messages in the best way possible, and we could adapt our writing styles. Try to research an article you like on the internet. Also, why not read some more post...

Hustle Culture

    Have you heard about Hustle culture?. Hustle culture is known as "workaholism" which is all about constantly working. In our society, working hard is not enough, and chronic workaholism can be affected in the long run. If one of you aims for success and glory, whatever that may look like to you, know that working hard is part of it and not all of it.    Hustle culture is the collective urge to work excessively and to be better than everyone else and work longer and harder. It creates an environment of ruthless competition, encouraging people to clamber over each other to get to the top. Although, hustle culture sounds dangerously close to just being a workaholic. There are definitely quite differences.    The motivation behind hustling is usually better intended and individual to each person. Depending on the type of motivation, hustle culture can be beneficial to the worst.   Working hard has only ever been beneficial in anyone's career. Especiall...

About Coffee

    Ah yes, who doesn't know a coffee. Some people believe that coffee is more than just a drink, It's an art, a science, a culture, and a passion. Also coffee can use as social interaction. In North America and a lot of Western European countries, Starbucks and other major chains have dominated the market because they are providing the customers a complete experience around coffee. Coffee and friends, coffee and work, coffee and snacks, coffee to go.    If we look back centuries to the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau. There is a legend that says the goat herder Kaldi first discovered the potential of these beloved beans. The story goes that Kaldi discovered coffee after he noticed that after eating the berries from a certain tree, his goats became so energetic that they did not want to sleep at night.    Kaldi made a drink with the berries and knowledge of the energizing berries began to spread. The coffee moved to the east and reached the ...

Feeling Burnout?

    Have you heard the word of burnout? No, it's not burnout of spinning car wheels, it's more like a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. Burnout reduces productivity and saps your energy, leaving you feeling increasingly helpless and hopeless. Burnout doesn't happen immediately. It's a gradual process that builds with stressors from your job or school. So, do you feel burnout? If you are still confused here are some example burnout signs.    Exhaustion. You may feel drained and unable emotionally to deal with problems around you, either professional or personal. You may feel extreme tiredness, low feeling, or loss of motivation. They often lack the energy to get their work done.    Reduces performance. Burnout mainly affects everyday tasks at work, school, or at home. People with burnout have difficulty concentrating, lack creativity, and are very negative about their tasks.    Alienation from work-related activities. People who ...

Smoking Effects

    Smoking, the habit of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material. This habit is not strange to us in our ears. Smoking is commonly associated with tobacco as smoked in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Did you know, tobacco can cause more than 7 million death and 1.2 million death are among non-smokers. Which is smoking could lead people to die faster. Well, for further explanation here is a few details of why this habit could kill us.    Inhaling any smoke is harmful. Smoking can impact the lung in several ways. One of the most common smoking-related lung conditions is Emphysema. Emphysema can reduce the number of alveoli and break down the wall between them. This makes it difficult to breathe, a person may need an oxygen mask over time.    Addiction. Funny but true most smokers want to stop because they know about their health risks. But many of them are keep smoking. That proven people are already addicted to nicotine which is one of the in...

The Power of Reading

    How many books have you read in a week? 5 books? 1 book? When was the last time you read a book or magazine? Do your daily reading habits centre around tweets, Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp? If you're one of the countless people who don't make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out. Reading is learning, Learning is education. Education is knowledge, and knowledge is power. So whoever is not get used to reading, there are several benefits of reading a book.   Knowledge. Yes, reading is knowledge. Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information and you never know when it might come in handy one day. The more knowledge you have, the more ready you will face any challenge later.    Vocabulary expansion. The more you read, the more words gain. There are about 11 words per line. 34 lines per page. 500 on average pages per book. If you do the math, adds up to about 187000 words if it's around 500 pages. Imagine reading a book a w...

The Power of Music

  Ah yes, who doesn't like hearing music. We recognise music since we were a baby from our mother, television, or any other music media. Archeologists found several rudimentary instruments, such as flutes, dating back to more than 35000 years ago. A few researchers stated that some archaeological finds actually date back to the Neanderthal period, proving that humankind discovered music way before we used to believe.   Today, music is like magic inside our bodies. It's difficult to stay away from music. We can all think of at least one song that, when we hear it, could trigger an emotional response. More of that, the power of music could do more than just an instrument. Such as:   Very effective for a stress reliever. When you are feeling stressed, you may find listening to your favourite music makes you feel better. According to some researchers, music may help relieve stress by lowering the body's cortisol levels (the hormone released in response to stress). Also, it co...

Prevent Bullying

    I look stupid. I look miserable. I feel useless. There are many negative thoughts caused by bullying. Bullying is an epidemic that impacts children of all ages. Every school in the country experiences some level of bullying and most likely are teenagers. Did you know, 16% bullied children saying they have been hit, kicked, shoved around, or locked in a room?. Moreover, over 15% of bullied students were made fun of by how they looked. It shows us how serious problem bullied in our society. However, here are some tips to avoid bullying.   Appear confident. Bullies look for kids that display insecurity, fear, and low self-esteem. Teaching kids to appear confident is sometimes easier than teaching them to tell the bully to stop. How victims respond or how the tone of their voice can signal that kids might make an easy target for bullying.    Keep the communication open. Parents, school staff, and other caring adults have a role to play in preventing bullying. Lo...

Prevent Drugs Addiction

    Whoever read this either adults, young adults, or teenagers, you are in the right place. Because now it's about a very important topic. If you want to try any foreign substances out there, STAY AWAY! But if you are already using any substances and try to take an important step to avoid addiction by becoming informed; Congratulation! Keep reading for more information about this topic.   Alright, the first thing to do is discover new ways to manage stress. We all have many emotions either positive or negative. Drugs are one of the ways to escape the problems. Sadly it can not run forever, they will always return. Let's try any activity you like to release and process your emotions. For example, listening to music, playing video games, dancing, or walking at the park, could be anything.    Learn to deal with life's pressures. For many people, drug consumption is a way to escape the harsh realities of life. Learning to cope with life's pressures will go a long w...

Learn a Foreign Language

  Halo, apa kabar? Vous parlez Français? Sprechen sie Deutsch?. Ok ok, that's enough, Hopefully, you could guess what language was that. Learning a foreign language is one of the positive ways to grow our brains. Ouw right, we get it. Learning a new language is challenging, frustrating, sometimes could be a nightmare. It can be hard to zero in on what language learning tactics would be especially helpful for your personalities. Good news mates, here are some fresh ideas on the best way to learn a foreign language.    Knowing your motivation. This is the first step to learning a foreign language. If you don't have a good reason to learn a language, you are less likely to stay motivated in the long run. Motivation is quite tricky to build. But no matter your motivation, once you've decided on a language, it's crucial to commit. Without that, you'll eventually burn out.   Make new friends. Today you can find a community easily on the internet or at events. If there...