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Are you Stressed or Depressed?


 Do you feel overwhelmed at work? Do you feel hopeless at school or university? Well, congratulation you are not alone. It's practically a fact of our life. Stress is not technically a disease, although it can have lasting effects on an individual's mental health. So stress is usually characterised by a sense of feeling overwhelmed. On the other hand, depression refers to an experience where you feel down most of the time which is called "low mood" and you lost interest in things you usually enjoy. 

  You probably ask "how should I know whether I'm stressed or depression?". Well mates there are several common signs whether you are stressed or depressed.

   Let's talk about common signs of stress. Usually, people have trouble sleeping, problems with memory, feeling nervous or anxious, trouble functioning in class or their personal life, or feeling overwhelmed. If you feel one of the above, you are having stress. 

  Now, how about common signs of depression?. People usually feel sad and hopeless, sleep more or less than usual, have anger and rage, feel that they can't overcome difficulties in their life, or thought of suicide. 

Ok, that was the common sign of stress and depression, How to prevent it?

  For stress, remember to take a break when you feel worried or stuck. Do something relaxing every day such as singing, dancing, playing video games, and laughing while watching tv shows. Moreover, don't keep your stress in silence. Get support from your family, friends, or school or university counseling in order to give you a fresh perspective. A heart-to-heart talk with someone you trust can help you to get rid of toxic feelings. 

  On the other hand, preventing depression it has similar to stress but not the same. You can have plenty of high-quality sleep which is necessary for both mental and physical health. Then reduce alcohol and drug use which is not only associated with a higher risk of depression but also a high risk of depression relapse. Try to limit alcohol intake and eliminate any drug use as safely as possible. 

  Right, that was little information about stress and depression. Hopefully, you are learning something new from this article. Thank you and have a nice day 😃.


  1. What is the difference between Depression, Stress, and Anxiety? (2015). Available at:
  2. Stressed or Depressed? Know the Difference (2021). Available at:
  3. Team, S. (2021) Stress statistics: How many people are affected in the U.S.?, The Checkup. Available at:
  4. How to Avoid Depression: Prevent Relapse and Avoid Triggers (2021). Available at:


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